
Interview with Tina: A Creator Inspired by Paris and Langue Appart’

Returning after a month spent in the United States, Tina, a talented graphic designer and the creator of Langue Appart’s new logo, met us at the Moncoeur café, nestled in the Belleville district, her Parisian refuge. A former student of Langue Appart’, Tina agreed to take part in our first interview. It was an opportunity to look back on her journey, her love for Paris, and her unique experience within our school.

A Meeting Between Design and Learning French

Langue Appart: “Thank you for our new logo! You perfectly captured the vision we had for our school!”

Tina: “Thank you! It was an enriching exchange. Besides working on the design, I had the opportunity to practice my French in a more professional way. I hope it went well! Together, we created something special for this school. I wanted a logo that was as playful and dynamic as Langue Appart’.”

A Memorable Learning Experience at Langue Appart’

Langue Appart: “How would you describe your experience at Langue Appart’?”

Tina: “My experience at Langue Appart’ was exceptional! I studied there for six months, progressing from A2 level to obtaining my DELF B2. The classes, made up of small groups, allow for a lot of speaking and exchange. It was the perfect learning environment for me! The additional activities like the aperitifs, visits, and picnics really enriched the experience.”

From Austin to Paris: A Significant Transition

Langue Appart: “Can you tell us about the Tina before Paris?”

Tina: “Before coming to Paris, I lived in Austin, Texas, for two years, where I started my career as a graphic designer. However, Texas didn’t fulfill all my expectations. After the lockdown, I decided to move to France, partly because my partner is Franco-American.”

A Linguistic Challenge to Overcome in Paris

Langue Appart: “How did your arrival in Paris go?”

Tina: “It was complicated, especially because of the language. I was nervous about not being able to order a simple coffee! However, living in Paris has been a wonderful experience because I hate driving, and here, you can walk everywhere. Discovering Paris on foot makes the city even more vibrant. It was a decision I don’t regret at all.”

Discovering Oneself Through Language

Langue Appart: “What was your biggest surprise in Paris?”

Tina: “Learning French revealed a new part of myself that I didn’t know existed. I immersed myself in Parisian bookstores and had conversations that deeply transformed me. The exhibition ‘Réclamer la terre!’ at the Palais de Tokyo was a turning point in my life.”

Advice for Newcomers to Paris

Langue Appart: “What advice would you give to someone who wants to settle in Paris?”

Tina: “Don’t wait to learn the language! You can live here speaking only English, but it really limits your discovery of the city and its culture. Speaking French is essential to fully immerse yourself in the Parisian experience.”

Tina’s Favorite Spots in Paris

Langue Appart: “What are your favorite places in Paris?”

Tina: “I highly recommend the bookstores Le Monte en l’air and Le Genre urbain for their fascinating literary events, particularly on ecology and Belleville. I also love having my morning coffee at Moncoeur in Belleville. The Palais de Tokyo is a must for me, as well as the Parc de Belleville and the square Maurice Gardette, where I often walk my dog, Appa.”

A big thank you to Tina for her creativity, good humor, and the magnificent logo that so perfectly reflects the spirit of Langue Appart’!

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